About Us
Great pieces of furniture don't need to be decorations for the wealthy. They don't belong solely in galleries and design museums gathering dust.
In 2013, Esque, ( as in picturesque ) brought together a team whose aim was to make great interior design accessible to all and to deliver this furniture and decor, to your door. In South Africa.
We provide a beautiful, quick online shopping experience with reliable delivery to your door using a variety of courier companies to get you the best prices and quickest service.
We have adopted the highest level of online payment security available in South Africa thanks to Payfast, iPay, Paygate, Ozow as well as Zapper and a direct eft method - you can shop all night long...
The birth of Esque began over a cup of coffee (good coffee) and a calamari salad, where our focus turned towards the seizing of an opportunity that has seemed to fall in our laps and occupy our thoughts.
Call us on Monday to Friday 8.00am - 4:00pm
Email us on shop@esque.co.za