About Us

Great pieces of furniture don't need to be decorations for the wealthy. They don't belong solely in galleries and design museums gathering dust.

In 2013, Esque, ( as in picturesque ) brought together a team whose aim was to make great interior design accessible to all and to deliver this furniture and decor, to your door. In South Africa.

We provide a beautiful, quick online shopping experience with reliable delivery to your door using a variety of courier companies to get you the best prices and quickest service.

We have adopted the highest level of online payment security available in South Africa thanks to Payfast, iPay, Paygate, Ozow as well as Zapper and a direct eft method - you can shop all night long...

Our beliefs are simple. Affordable prices, high-quality imports and local constructions with customisable features. All on trend and stylish for your home.
Custom-made: We offer beautiful modern furniture in a diverse range of colours and materials to match any interior. These are made in South Africa by only the best artisans.
High-Quality Imports: Those famous replicas that one must just have in their home. We have chosen from the cream of the crop and can guarantee each product.
Affordable: We work with Architects and Interior Designers as well as the stylish home owner. With our vast range of products, there is a price bracket for everyone. Stylish homes are accessible for everyone.
An Esque customer can be assured that they are receiving only the best!    

The birth of Esque began over a cup of coffee (good coffee) and a calamari salad, where our focus turned towards the seizing of an opportunity that has seemed to fall in our laps and occupy our thoughts.

As with most major decisions, we took some time to wait for confirmation. For one of us this came in the form of a car registration plate which read Eph 3:20. As 20th century babies we pulled out our very chic smart phone to read the verse. As if a perfect affirmation, the verse depicted that we can achieve more than we ask or imagine through his power that is at work within us. For the other it came in the form of a conversation, where we were told to have faith like a Mustard seed. The inspiration of this mustard seed eventually evolved into our core brand colour.

We love to hear from our customers

Call us on Monday to Friday 8.00am - 4:00pm 

Email us on shop@esque.co.za 

If you are an interior designer, and would like to qualify for a trade discount. Please download your application here. We would love to hear from you and hear about your projects.

We are purely an online store and don't have showrooms or shops. Our designer pieces come from all over our beautiful country. And so we have a fantastic return policy where you can order your gorgeous piece of furniture and test it out in your space. 
If you still don't like it, let us know and we will collect it and refund you for the item.
A quick and convenient way to see the item in your home :-)

If you are a designer and have some innovative, beautiful products that you would like to market through our website, please contact us at admin@esque.co.za

Or simply fill in the query form on the right.